Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter 1998

Happy Easter everyone! This is one of my favorites. Absolutely devastated, Michael tugs at the noose. Alli & Matt are use to the 'Pomp & Circumstance' by now. Finally Mike is resigned to the fact he has to keep it on ... but only until after Mass. God bless! Enjoy the day with the family, if you can.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

My Philly friends, Duane, Steph, Pat & Tony came out to Berks County for the Jazz Fest. We had appetizers & drinks at Viva and caught up. Had a nice time.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Ah Spring! Woke up to the first day of April. It was raining, the birds chattering, Maggie waiting to go for her walk and then it started to snow. April does fool.